Jual Handycam SONY HDR-XR150E/BC Hard disk 120GB Mulusss benerrrr. Seperti biasa barang ane tu muluss dan terawat semua 🙂 Like new, lengkap charger, kabel AV, CD driver, Kartu garansi (abis), Dus. BONUS!!! Tas handycam minimalis, ‘lucu’ deh gan pokoknya hehe..
Jarang dipake, lom pernah dicolokin ke tripod, bisa manual focus lewat touch screen. Jadinya kayak rekaman profesional deh.
Dibantu yak, buat persiapan anak 🙂
Call 08161930627, no SMS
Good item comes with a good price…..
S to the O to the L to the D -> SOLD
foto2 *bandwith killer dikit (lots of photo here:Â https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151162663707703.434190.556192702&type=1)